Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Retarded Friends

First I want to start this off by bashing Flint. The sign you are about to see was inspired by a good friend of mine who had a habit of getting all drunk at the bar, then drag racing himself all the way home through the abandoned hood. I figure if this posed any safety threats, there may be a cop in the area at some point in time...

Apparently this area was inhabited, and the cops have better things to do then clock a black Silverado blazing at 85-100 mph in an alleged 25 mph zone. But then again, when the sun goes down in Flint it is legally justifiable to run every red light and stop sign for fear of getting robbed

My next exhibit is proof that degos can't drive. At first I thought if we took this kid, locked him in a room with bag of weed, a 40, a brick oven, and a block of aluminum he'd make be a ferrari. Turns out that little bastard couldn't even bake me a fucking pizza... he just got high and drunk and fell asleep in the corner. Then one day got all wasted, was going too fast, and allegedly broke his clutch leading to that beautiful trans am. I may post a follow up to this picture with a potential gambling opportunity for all those interested.

On a more positive note, turns out our little dego couldn't handle his Trans Am... but is the Formula One equivalent of an Amigo driver

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